Summer camp registration is now open!

A culture of Queer/2SLGBTQIA+ Inclusivity

In 2013, Community of Christ in the United States voted to approve same-sex marriage and ordination of LGBTQ persons. This has been lived out in congregations to varying degrees and since that time some congregations have entered into an intentional process with a partner organization, Harmony, to become a Welcoming and Affirming Congregation. It is the goal of the Michigan Mission Center to continue to increase the number of LGBTQIA2S+ affirming congregations each year. Two new congregations completed this training in 2023. Mission center staff are available to work with pastors and leaders on becoming a welcoming congregation, contact Linda Stanbridge for more information. If you are looking for an affirming ministry near you, contact us and we'd love to help match you with a safe and welcoming spiritual home. 

The following congregations have completed an intentional process to become a welcoming and affirming congregation:

An Egalitarian Culture

Community of Christ has enjoyed gender equality worldwide since the 1984 World Conference with the passage of Doctrine & Covenants Section 156. Today, women make up a considerable portion of all levels of the church’s leadership. The church has been blessed by the significant contributions women have made to our movement – both before Section 156 and after. Women play an integral part in the mission and life of Community of Christ, providing indispensable perspective and ministry. To date, gender equality has been fully present in the lives of two generations of members, and we continue to benefit from President Emeritus Wallace B. Smith’s careful guidance as well as the faithful discernment of the 1984 World Conference body’s decision.